Adam Callinan | eTail Boston

Adam Callinan

Co-Founder & CEO BottleKeeper

Adam Callinan is the Cofounder and CEO at BottleKeeper®, the fast-paced and sarcasm-infused solution to the warm beer and broken bottle epidemics that have plagued the world for centuries, maybe even decades. The koozie killing company appeared on ABC's Shark Tank, earning a $1 Million combined offer from Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner, and has been featured by CNBC, the Today Show, Good Morning America, and many more. BottleKeeper has grown to become one of the largest direct-to-consumer retailers of speciality beverage accessories on the market, selling over 3 products every minute and generating eight-figure revenues. Callinan has spent more than a decade as an entrepreneur, building businesses in eCommerce, consumer products, technology and medical devices. Callinan holds a B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Arizona and resides in Manhattan Beach with his exceptionally lovely wife and daughter.

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