Leala Shah Crawford | eTail Boston

Leala Shah Crawford

Managing Director, Digital Customer & Marketing Practice Deloitte Digital

Leala Shah Crawford is a Managing Director in Deloitte Digital’s Customer & Marketing practice, where she leads the Data Sciences, Analytics and Personalization group. Leala has over 15 years of experience defining and implementing global transformation strategies and customer personalization programs for leading companies. Leala brings a unique perspective—combining her expertise from both a consulting and industry view—on the org, process and tech capabilities required to deliver a dynamic, relevant and seamless customer experience. Leala’s industry experience includes leading Technology and Operations for the Brand Development group at NBCUniversal, where she drove the creation of global analytics solutions and end-to-end planning and delivery; delivering training on effective analytics solutions for the Global Ad Sales and Product Groups at Google; and serving as the Head of Strategy and Operations at a marketing tech startup, where she focused on developing a forward-thinking approach to marketing to multicultural audiences. Leala is a native Angeleno and is passionate about volunteering to help inspire the next generation of business leaders. She currently sits on the board of Minds Matter of Los Angeles, a non-profit which seeks to increase college access for students from underserved communities. She additionally mentors students through the USC Marshall School of Business, her alma mater. Leala lives in Los Angeles with her husband Jamie and their German Shepherd Harley.

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