Mitch Daniels once dreamed of being the next Kobe Bryant. Once he came to the realization that this would not be, he shifted focus to developing the natural talents that he did have - people skills and a knack for persuasion. Mitch cultivated his skills as a hunter in business solution sales, and then in account management, and later as a non-dilutive investor for a fin-tech company. Now, he brings his wealth of knowledge to helping brands reclaim abandoned cart revenue. Even now, helping customers succeed gives him the same exhilaration as it did over 10 years ago when he first started his career. This year, he's managed to use his persuasive skills in another beneficial way by convincing his partner to marry him and he looks forward to being a 2024 groom!
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Mitch.
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