Delight customers, increase conversions, dramatically accelerate speed to market, expand distribution, minimize returns, and drive SEO! At Digital Wave Technology, we make omnichannel possible! Share compelling and curated product stories wherever your customers shop–on e-commerce, social media, digital marketplaces, in store, and even in immersive technologies such as AR/VR, voice, and gaming. The Digital Wave Platform is the single source of truth so that your entire organization–as well as external suppliers and customers–stays synchronized with the same product content. It combines Product Experience Management (PIM, DAM, MDM, and predictive analytics) with all the tools, automation, workflow, governance, and smarts that business users need. We are retailers, technologists, and visionaries who have worked on the forefront of consumer brand and retail industries for decades. Let us help you ride the Digital Wave! Contact us at to schedule a meeting at eTail East.