Loyalty Builders provides a suite of precise, accurate, very affordable metrics predicting purchases and loyalty of every individual customer of our retail client. These metrics are updated regularly and always available, giving your marketers the power to confidently make better planning decisions, execute more effective campaigns, and increase customer loyalty long-term. AI-driven predictions include purchase timing, spending, risk, future value, response to marketing, probabilities to purchase each product within a specific timeframe, and more that prescribe how to segment, target, and personalize marketing to lift ROI on any channel. We find the deep patterns hidden in easily accessible, first-party data. We report on loyalty and retention trends, shifting product interests, and expose overlooked marketing opportunities. No personal identifying info (PII) is required. No digital behavior tracking required. No new technology, platforms, or applications needed. And we’re here to help as needed. Our dedicated team of experts are available to augment your team with a new level of insights, best practices, campaign plans, measurements, special reporting, or custom modeling. Why guess? Predict. It’s way better than RFM!